
Tuesday 26 September 2017

How to do a handstand

To do a handstand you first lunge and then you push of. Make sure that your hands are straight and about shoulder width. You make your body straight, because if you are bent and you fall over you might land funny and pull a muscle. make sure your hands are apart from each other. Try hold as long as you you can but don't hold to long if you think you can't hold it.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

stencil writing

Rapare te 21 maharu

  1. For the art exhibition I made a stencil.My stencil is a spider.
  2. Do you know how to make stencil.First I have to think of the animal and what it look's like.Then I had to draw it on a paper.
  3. Why because it for the art exhibition.
  4. What did you draw a spider.
  5. Why did you picked a spider because people want to see the spider.

Thursday 7 September 2017

kakariki house

  1. I wonder what kinda art there will be
  2. I wonder how many art they make
  3. I wonder if there will be statues
  4. I wonder who is the boss
  5. I wonder how big the building is2
  6. I wonder how they get a lot of people to work there
  7. I wonder how they make it
  8. I wonder  how long it takes them to paint it
  9. I wonder if they paint them
  10. I wonder who started painting or making it .                                                                                               by sariah&summer
1. Did you know there were all kinds of art made from famous artistes.
2. Did you know they help homeless people to get houses and jobs.
3. Did you know they call the Kakariki house the green house because they look after our environment
4. Did you know they make Christmas trees out of blankets then to be sold to raise money for the homeless people.

Monday 4 September 2017

body parts

parkour story???
